Equalities Statement
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Equalities Statement

We positively welcome and aim to support the growing diversity of the community we serve and the people we employ.

We will not discriminate (indirectly, directly or by association) on the grounds of race, sex, gender reassignment, marital or partnership status, sexual orientation, age, religion or belief, HIV status, or disability (e.g. sensory and physical disabilities, learning disabilities and mental health status).

Equality and diversity are majority issues, which concern the whole community:

  •   Disabled people
  •   Faith/belief groups/Non faith and beliefs
  •   Lesbians, Bisexuals and gay people
  •   Older people
  •   People from black and minority ethnic backgrounds
  •   Transgender & Non-Binary people
  •   Women and men
  •   Young people

Quality means equality in the services we plan and provide, and in the staff we employ to provide those services.

We will build on the strengths of diversity and communicate with staff and our local communities to achieve a shared understanding of the local and national contexts within which we all work or live.


Making Informed choice when planning a funeral.
A guide for queer people – written by Ash Ayhurst.